
What is MiDeal?

The MiDEAL Extended Purchasing Program is a pre-negotiated contract that leverages

the State’s buying power. Local groups benefit directly from the reduced cost of goods

and services and indirectly by eliminating the time needed to process bids.

Who can join?

Counties, Cities, Townships, Villages, School Districts, Universities, Community Colleges,

and Non-Profit Hospitals.

Why ISCG for MiDeal?

Michigan based Haworth, Inc has been the preferred provider of office furniture for the

MiDeal contract for over 20 years. ISCG, a Best in Class Haworth Dealer, serves

Southeastern Michigan MiDeal clients by providing design services, office furnishings,

and project implementation. We’re here to help make your next project a success!

Complete this form to schedule a no-obligation virtual consultation to learn more about taking advantage of the MiDeal contract for your furniture needs.